We’d love to have you as part of our North Shore Area Partners community! Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose, help you connect to others in your community, and help you build upon skills you already have to benefit your community. Check out the various way to get involved below and help us bring essential services to community members 60+ living in the heart of the North Shore.
Select the position(s) that best fits you:
Casual Volunteer:
A Casual Volunteer is available for part of or the duration of a special project which may include an educational partnership, seasonal events, translating, offering an informative or educational class in an area in which the volunteer has some expertise, assisting staff or organizing a social event.
The Volunteer Driver provides a safe vehicle and rides for the participant to and from appointments for health services, activities, and shopping. The Volunteer Driver assures that the participant is safely transported and delivered from the pick-up sight to the appointment, into or out of the building. The volunteer may or may not be asked to provide a round trip for the participant. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age, provide documentation of a valid driving license and insurance verification.
Friendly Visitor/Caller:
The Friendly Visitor/Caller spends time with the participant building a relationship providing companionship through conversations and visits. The Friendly Visitor/Caller may also assist the participant in paying bills, writing letters, playing games, reading, watching television or go on outings.
Fundraising Volunteer:
A Fundraising Volunteer reaches out to local individuals and businesses to help NSAP raise money for special events.
Garden Helper:
A Garden Helper assists with any of the following: planting, weeding, watering, harvesting, and other garden maintenance under supervision of Program & Volunteer Coordinator.
Governance Volunteer:
A Governance Volunteer serves on NSAP's board of directors.
Pet Therapy Volunteer:
A Pet Therapy Volunteer brings their pet to programs to interact with NSAP participants, after obtaining approval from Program & Volunteer Coordinator.
Program Assistant or Leader:
A Program Assistant assists staff with social activities and other programming at the NSAP office which may include helping with an educational partnership, seasonal events, bingo, Coffee Connection, Reading Pals, etc. A Program Leader may organize a social activity or run a special project that is first approved by the Program & Volunteer Coordinator.
Tax Helper or Medicare Helper:
A Tax Helper must be trained via the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program to help clients with income tax preparation at the NSAP office during yearly tax time. A Medicare Helper is required to have training outside of NSAP to be qualified to help clients navigate Medicare options during the fall Medicare Open Enrollment period.
Tech Support Volunteer:
A Tech Support Volunteer assists NSAP participants with their personal technological devices.
Ready for the next step?
Contact our Program and Volunteer Coordinator by filling out the form below. Or if you have questions, please call 218-226-3635.