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Age-Friendly Lake County, MN

In October 2021, Lake County has joined a global network of Age-Friendly Communities, an initiative of AARP. This network provides a structured process that guides change and serves as a catalyst to educate, encourage, promote and recognize improvements that benefit residents of all ages and life stages. Age-Friendly Communities promote healthy lifestyles for people of ALL ages through 8 interconnected Domains of Livability, illustrated below.


We Want to Hear from YOU!

Why is this important? We need to adjust to our changing demographics: there are more Minnesotans age 65+ than school-age children for the first time in Minnesota's history. This survey and your participation will help our coalition develop an action plan to increase livability in the next five years and beyond. Lake County Health & Human Services, North Shore Area Partners, Community Partners Two Harbors and the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging want to learn from YOU what would make our county a great place to grow up and to grow old.

Take the Survey!

You can find the survey in paper format at Lake County Service Center in Silver Bay, at our North Shore Area Partners office and at the Silver Bay Library. If you prefer to take it online, please scan the QR code or go to:



Enter your contact information at the end for the survey to be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card!

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